
I’m feeling a bit bruised. Last week, I tried to tweet, but as a newcomer to twitter it was more of a peep or cheep.

Nobody seemed to hear me. I squawked into the ether and the world of twitter went on as if I didn’t exist.


I stared at the little heart button beneath the tweets and thought how nice it would be if even one person would click on it. Just one, that’s all I asked. My feeble tweets had cost me a lot of nerves, and I felt that I was owed a wee bit of encouragement.

Technology overtook me around the time that my first kid was born. All I could do was keep up with the feeds and the nappy changes, or rushing babies to and from childcare. Meanwhile, people began to connect with texts followed by smartphones which made them available at all hours of day and night. I didn’t want any part of it, especially since I was already available around the clock to several small people.

Okay, so it took a lot to cheep into the big, busy world of the internet. Maybe I was expecting too much if I thought anyone was going to take notice. Certainly that little heart symbol which remained stubbornly empty came to take on too much significance.

Just because the big, bad internet didn’t give me a thumbs-up, I began to think that maybe I was no good: an unemployed, middle-aged mum who can’t get the hang of this new way of communicating.

I felt like I was talking in a crowded station where no-one had time to stop and listen. When I realised how insignificant my little cheep was, I felt small and unimportant and it was hard to remember that this isn’t a measure of my value. Maybe God loves me despite or even because of my smallness.

I’m no good at networking, either in-person or online, so I think I’ll have to just accept that tweeting is not for me.

The other day, I read that even popularity is for sale. if your product or page isn’t getting enough likes, you can buy fake likes on the internet. However, I’ll give it a miss.  

Rather than tweeting or bellowing or lowing or howling or braying any more words into the ether, I think I’ll take time to listen and try to visit the pages of every person who’s been interested enough to follow or like my blog.

And please let me know in the comments line if there’s anything you would especially like to be read. 

7 thoughts on “Peep!

  1. Gospel Isosceles January 15, 2018 / 1:04 pm

    I’m not going to click the link, but buying fake likes?? What on earth have we come to as a human consciousness? Are you familiar with the Dr. Seuss story, ‘The Sneetches’? The ones selling the fake likes remind me of the wheeler-dealer Mr. McMonkey McBean (I think that’s his name) who takes all the money of the vain Sneetches who go with whatever trend is fashionable to make them better than other Sneetches, and they end up spending all their money on this plastic surgery contraption. But then again, who isn’t selling to vanity these days? It would behoove us all (except the McBeans of the world) to not be so shallow and seek the source of our true value.

    Liked by 1 person

    • canach January 15, 2018 / 1:12 pm

      I haven’t heard of ‘The Sneetches’ but there is a lot of wisdom in Dr. Seuss. My favourite is the Lorax and that sad/hopeful word unless someone like you makes a difference. The link is just to an interesting article about fake facebook profiles which are used to generate likes, so should be okay to click!


      • Gospel Isosceles January 15, 2018 / 1:16 pm

        Yes! We love ‘The Lorax’ around this house too.


  2. Edward Sosa January 15, 2018 / 3:59 pm

    I just want to tell you that this message of being defined by God’s love for us and not by how popular we are in the world’s eyes was so dead on! I’m glad I decided to read this post! Your sincerity sure comes across and I hope you continue to bless others with your thoughts and insights. God bless.

    Liked by 1 person

    • canach January 15, 2018 / 7:34 pm

      Thank you, Edward. It’s so easy to get caught up in someone liking your post or tweet. And I realise that I’ve done too much writing and not enough reading like I’m really listening and trying to understand someone else’s story. Do you have a blog? I tried to visit the link, but there didn’t seem to be any posts.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Edward Sosa January 15, 2018 / 9:45 pm

        I can relate as I’m working on being a better listener myself. I just recently put my blog link on my gravatar but I’m not the most privy at all this. Thanks!


  3. lyndenwade January 22, 2018 / 6:36 pm

    This really resonates! Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

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